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P-ASP Date : 2022-10-17
Input Date : 2022-10-17
Nature : RENT
Usage : Residential
District : Wong Chuk Hang
Building / Address : GRANDVIEW GDN BLK 01, NAM LONG SHAN RD 8
南朗山道8號, 金寶花園 第01座
Floor : High
Unit : A
Gross Area : 500 ft²
Saleable Area : 363 ft²
Price(HK$) : Rent $10,300
Price per ft²(GA/SA) : @21 / @28
Occupation Permit : 1985
Gov't Lease Term : 2057 (33 year Remaining)
Facing : 東南山景
Layout : 2 Bedrooms; 2 Living & Dining Room
Remark : --
Source : 萬邦地產
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