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1. 向泛民说不 2012-02-06 11:48:26
國內論壇有句口號真能給現今港青提點 : 窮人仇富!越仇越窮!越窮越仇!越仇越窮! 但是港璨更加先进叫做仇富不仁。真系废材,难道这批废材又好仁慈吗? 最近先发现叫楼价高的大部分是过去几年卖了自住楼的废材。他们压力最大。但是沽空自住楼是一种极度投机的行为,连自己的巢也放弃了。怪得边个。
2. OL 2012-02-06 12:11:28

又惡又懶的僕人 = 喜歡批評他人 又 不努力工作的人



3. 王先生 2012-02-06 13:12:55

只要大家唔好同人趁熱鬧,咁環頭環尾仲有唔少幾千銀一尺嘅 2 手樓,月供 1 萬樓下嘅樓盤多的是!! 
係依家供樓利息 3 厘都無嘅情況下,如果你都計唔掂數,咁你就唔好攪咁多嘢,叠埋心水等運到好過! 
例如使 20 皮買張六合彩,否則就算俾你勉勉強強咁上倒車,盞害到你家變咋!!! 

4. 網主請做嘢---- 2012-02-06 13:19:04


5. 網站管理員 2012-02-06 15:13:48




6. anggie T. 2012-02-06 17:22:16

Cause I'm a Christian & I understand this parable as: that God/Lord would give people diff. talents/wealth/conditions to manage in your journey of life.  We do not own these things forever(no matter how rich or how poor you are, when you're gone, you also bring along nothing).  But what you've learned & done is very important to prepare your next journey, that's why we're called to be "faithful servant"!

Yes, I totally agree with what Mr.Luk said, the luxurious apartments can only become more & more pricey in the long run & that's gonna make some people jealous!  But for those who jealous, wealth doesn't come easy.  When you have nothing yet, better start planning to get rich & focus on it.  It doesn't really matter where you end up, at least I guarantee you'll never be classified as poor!!!

7. mini 2012-02-06 18:46:47

As the world economy has remained unclear after the financial crisis in OECD countries, we have seen continuous & various QEs (OTs, and LTROs) from japanese, american, british, and european governments for handling their accumulated debts. Extra electronic money just parked to the bonds, even at a very low yields, it will come back to market in some days. It seems the government officials to help protect the local properties values by keeping the high level of downpayments and SSD.

The previous homeowners who sold their properties during the period of financial crisis, now they do have to face the raising rents since 2003/3Q because of the side effects of non-stop printing money. In other words, they were trapped ! Maybe, this group of homeowners really want the property market down !

8. COOL 2012-02-07 01:37:11
Sounds like those rich people who have been working very hard to manipulate the property market, supermarkets, telecom market...., will be rewarded by squeezing very dime and penny from the poor!
9. anggie 2012-02-07 11:12:13