81. ivan
2015-12-16 08:57
Why you said australia property : 本輪啓動從2013年開始,應該還有很長一段路要走

can you give us some hints ?

我都有興趣投資sydney,亦都有睇過幾個樓information....e,g waterloo, rosebery....etc
82. ivan
2015-12-16 08:58
Thank you
83. 歷史長河
2015-12-16 12:19
Ivan 兄,that statement was based on my judgment on two facts:

1. In the past 10 years also, Sydney property market was almost flat, it only kicked off around 2013. Generally a bull run should not be too short.

2. Comparing with other capital cities in the past decades, Sydney property market somewhat underperformed in terms of growth rate. There might be a catchup.

Of course we know past experience might not be an indication of future performance. 

As for Waterloo and Rosebery, I would say they are good choices because they are close to city. I have one in Waterloo and a few in Greensquare.
84. Sugar
2015-12-16 12:52


Excellent answer in a cautious manner!

Yes, "....past experience might not be an indication of future performance." gd for those green investors.

Have been learning a lot fr ur article....thank you!!!

85. 歷史長河
2015-12-16 12:56
86. 歷史長河
2015-12-16 15:51

To #72, #72 Fan  兄, 

FYI: Chinese buyers account for 2 per cent of Australian home sales: http://www.domain.com.au/news/foreign-buyers-account-for-1-per-cent-of-australian-home-sales-new-research-20150902-gjdycq/

Although the number seems too low for me.

87. yyfan
2015-12-16 16:09
To 86/F LR bro

Are they referring to Chinese Australian when they name 'Chinese' there?To be honest i do doubt the local non-Chinese aussie can keep purchasing since 2013.
88. 歷史長河
2015-12-16 16:16
Not sure, but property price there is still cheap comparing with here and average income is higher. I know 'average' is meaningless.
89. yyfan
2015-12-16 16:32
Literally they are indeed cheap compared with HK ones .but we shall never compare prices of properties from city to city,needless to say from country to country before judging it s cheap or not.

the average income there has been high for long so it doesnt seem to be the driving force of the surge of real estate prices
90. 歷史長河
2015-12-16 16:33
91. CD ROM
2015-12-16 17:47
長河兄, 澳籍華人我相信不可能在報告中有詳列的, 這可是一個盲點啊...........
92. CD ROM
2015-12-16 17:47
長河兄, 澳籍華人我相信不可能在報告中有詳列的, 這可是一個盲點啊...........
93. 歷史長河
2015-12-16 19:11

94. Stephen Woo
2015-12-16 20:06
#78 長河兄

當然我沒有會,如果長河兄沒有實力和人際關係他們也不會邀請你. 正所謂上天只會留機會有準備的人,就連上個免費堂你都要有十足銀両和人面他們才會邀請你.


95. yyfan
2015-12-16 20:30
96. Stephen Woo
2015-12-16 20:37
#81 Ivan

今日新的Metro Train線最後第一個站已經決定了,是選定了Waterloo.
由Chatswood 到waterloo 線上的所有埠你都可以選. 請看下圖:
就好像港島西鐵線一樣你可以買waterloo 或 Crows nest 等升值. 不過要用九年起.
我覺得waterloo, green square 也不錯,green square 已經有火車兩個埠到很近市中心.
最近市中心的樓價太貴,有些人由darlinghurst 或者surry hills 搬到waterloo,green square, alexendria, redfren,mascot zetland食.
北區的話我覺得由north sydney 到chatswood 全都可選,很多人在north sydney 上班也住在由north sydney 到chatswood 的火車站上. 這一類人都是高水準又有錢交租和有正當職業,你不用為了找不到租客而煩惱或者怕租霸.
至於東區是貴區,你有錢當然唔怕入貨. e.g. bondi junction, potts point, 近kingscross 的darlinghurst,rushcutters bay,clovelly, bronte, point piper etc etc etc

97. 歷史長河
2015-12-16 21:15
Stephen 兄真是熱心人,提供的信息對我都有幫助。目前我涉足的都是所謂民生房,除咗Pymble 一間外。
98. Stephen Woo
2015-12-16 21:30
99. 歷史長河
2015-12-16 21:38

啱啱老細又睇中兩個房子,一個在North Sydney,另一個在Ashfield, 按你的標準,應該選前者吧!價格,面積都差不多。
100. Stephen Woo
2015-12-16 21:49
那麼pymble 是house吧?:)
Ashfield 不是大站,買的是中國人多,但他們是民生中國人,所以前者是比較好。

老細是用什麼來選出north Sydney and Ashfield?
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