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1. don't understand,,,, 2014-05-18 10:14:22
what is the real "生产力和竞争力" when speculating on real estate ??..
2. to 1/f 2014-05-18 10:54:37
3. 同意2楼 2014-05-18 12:12:22
4. Alan Pepper 2014-05-18 14:58:09
Hello doc. 

I don't think 3D has such an effect on Hong Kong manufacturing industry as it has only been exercised for 3 years, especially if you talk about factories in Vietnam. I have a few friends who are in manufacturing and there are many reasons they do not invest in factories outside China. Most is because their scale is not big enough to have a presence outside of China. 

However, the government is not entirely without fault. If you look at large Taiwan, Japanese, Korean, Singapore manufacturing companies, look at the government policies that each respective country has on protecting and promoting the manufacturing industry, compare to HK? Well, you are right, Hong Kong Government doesn't help the manufacturer in anyway. Manufacturers in Hong Kong has to use their assets (typically their property ) to obtain loan from the banks, to finance building a factory in China, buying raw materials, pay for workers, investing in equipment, and financing their customers with ridiculous terms. Every banking facility they have they are on their own, no help was given by the government at all. 

If you search semiconductor industry in Taiwan, you will find that the government did not help the industry, but it single handedly created the industry in Taiwan. The following is an excerpt on the article:

" Taiwan’s semiconductor industry took off in 1975 when government research institutes set up the first homegrown manufacturer—United Microelectronics Corp., which soon became the world’s second largest wafer foundry.

This plant also created a pipeline of technical talent and entrepreneurs who went on to build new companies. In 1981, state-owned research and development units helped establish Taiwan Mask Corp. and over the next couple of years, ERSO spun off a slew of companies, includingTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., which has grown into the world’s largest contract chip-maker today.

Interestingly, the Taiwanese government did not get involved in the manufacturing or in the running of these plants, but transferred the technology to private enterprises and limited its role to providing R&D."

Very similar policies were practiced in Korea and Singapore. 

Hong Kong manufacturing entrepreneurs are like an orphan child, while everyone around them have support from their parents they had to do it on their own. Support given by government has always been an afterthought, to spend petty cash to sooth immediate pressure, but  never a long term, committed investment like R&D. It doesn't understand that no company in HK can afford multi billion R&D. Even largest traded companies in HK like Li & Fung & Johnson Electric. 
5. 珍惜香港 2014-05-18 18:09:22
珍惜香港TO:4/F Alan Pepper


政府要支持一个行业,唔一定要用好多钱,只要就住天时地利,一个政策,己经可以 Make a difference。但喺时机一过,再花几多钱都喺徒然。




好多 MAKE IN HONG KONG 嘅嘢,都只有外地人至识得欣赏。最近更体会到,原来我地香港人自己都睇唔起嘅本土嘢,反而得到内地人嘅认同。身为香港人,真喺有啲惭愧,我地嘅向心力,的确喺差过人地。

6. 肥婆四 2014-05-18 19:36:41
7. 小阳 2014-05-18 20:50:02
Hi Alan pepper, 

The SME business  can get the loan backed by 政府担保. However I do agree that the govt need to do more . I know there are a few hk ppl own  factories in Vietnam . The lending bank will concern about the country risk  and the bank may reduce the credit limit due to the Vietnam riot.  I think hk govt can help those factories for term loans or  other financing facilities. 

8. 香港无奈 2014-05-19 09:15:04

9. 70's 2014-05-19 10:42:29

汤博士说得很正确。现在港商在内地设厂的规模正在缩减或有加速结业的情况。大家可以说是人民币升值而使港商没有利润空间,无心恋战。但与此同时,国内有一班后起之秀,把工厂规模愈搅愈大,高端技术含量越来越高,这代表国内人看的只有今天和明天,而香港呢? 大家只是念记昨天、呆著今天、没有明天。


10. Alan Pepper 2014-05-19 17:16:17
To 7:

Yes, this is exactly what I mean, petty cash to sooth immediate pressure. The current SME loan was introduced back in 2007-8 in response to the Financial "Tsunami". And it is only an 90% guaranteed loan for a period of 5 years, not an investment in any particular industry, and 5 years? What a joke! 5 years is barely enough to get any feasible project started!

As described above, Taiwan has "government research institutes set up the first homegrown manufacturer—United Microelectronics Corp., which soon became the world’s second largest wafer foundry." Then let private sectors enjoy the R&D for a very low cost or even free. This is commitment.

Singapore has similar programs, although I am not entirely familiar with the terms, is that the government pays foreign companies who invest in Singapore all or part of the salary of fresh graduates from Singapore universities for the first 2 years. (I think this applies only to certain industries). This is commitment.

Korea sets up professional schools for their entertainment industry, a full time 3-4 year program! Not a short course from TVB (albeit quite professional for private company with limited resources)  Let's not even talk about Samsung and LG. This is commitment.

Look at Cyberport, it was a great initiative but failed execution and commitment. If the government was really committed to IT and Telecom back then, it would have set up technical training programs, provide long term R&D facilities and funds (at least 4-5 sessions of 3 year funds) , hire professionals internationally, etc. The government can then lease these R&D patents to HK businesses at a fair and attractive prices. This is commitment. 

Or the Arts and Cultural district in Western Kowloon (although as a business person I cannot agree to the concept in HK, a population of 7 million without too much cultural history.) 
11. Alan Pepper 2014-05-19 17:35:39
To 5/F

Good article!
12. Alan Pepper 2014-05-19 17:52:31
BTW, I think HK can still do Technology ah, because HK has enough universities and smart people (i believe inherently HK people are smart, but just don't have the initiative, or the support, or the enviroment for them to excel), tech is still extremely high value in the foreseeable future, it requires very little space, very little low end work force, and HK is already an extremely concentrated testing ground for many tech products for many international companies. (Especially Telecom, because the density of population makes telecom easy to scale and test).

I heard from the news few months back at least HK has leased land for data centers, although some may complain is too little space. But at least this is one small step.

Recycling is still an industry left to be discovered, (in retrospect, CW Tung was a visionary, born at the wrong time and executed poorly.) HK is the perfect place to create a Recycling research hub for Asia, because firstly there's a dire need to recycling program in HK, population is dense meaning extremely easy transport and collection.

(Disclaimer, I'm not in any of the above industries, but I believe HK has the perfect foundations for them.)
13. Alan Pepper 2014-05-19 18:02:31
wow, train of thought, Recycling will also create a lot of low end jobs for the under educated. Although initially will be a losing money business, it is not the low end jobs we are after, but the potential consultation services offered to China and neighboring countries, much like MTR (who are under a bit of heat lately)
14. 自我陶醉 2014-05-20 12:59:50

Hi Alan,

You're such a visionary! It's a shame, however, that our Govt doesn't work that way like others. They are so self-contented with the past achievements and their mentality is just to keep their hands clean by outsourcing virtually everything with minimal intervention. So any subsidy will end up being another cyberport project and also a bunch of people petitioning the transfer of benefits from Govt to biz everyday. That's why they won't have the motivation to do anything except fire-fighting.

The problem we currently have for our industries is the ever-rising investment costs on both land and labor. Much of our entrepreneurship has already been killed by those skyrocketing costs. No matter how good your suggestions may sound, it's not going to work here in HK unless we can fix our Govt's mentality and have a stable price tag for those big ticket items.  

Imagine you hold a property to start your business. After a year or two, you will notice that you're already making a handsome profit on the piece of land you hold wihout doing anything on it and without going through the whole painful and risky startup. Not to mention the labor costs and other expenses that are chasing hard at your back everyday. So, what's the point to take the risk to start a business.  

The situation will even be worse if you rent a place to start the business. Eventually, you will realize your rent will shoot to the roof before you start making any profit. What if you're persistent enough to wait for the date of breakeven? The cruel reality is that the more profit you make, the more rent your landlord will price in to your rental bill until it can't afford and collapses one day. This is what kills local SMEs now. And that's why everyone here is so conditioned to be short sighted. 

15. 小阳 2014-05-20 13:30:59

To self drunken bro ,

Good to see u here . To be frank, there are no factory in HONG KONG now .  High property price help those SME instead of killing them . They use their own properties as collateral and get the term loan and lending facilities from banks. IF  as you said , the govt should kill the property and let the price fall to 30% ,. I am 99% certain that those SME will suffer LOAN CALLING .

As a globish and IT fans , lot of shoppers esp OLs get used to Online shopping . The location of shops and factories are not the problem.

The main problem is R&D and MONEY  instead of location .

I Agreed on what ALAN said. Brain , creativity , technology , money  are vital for business development . The govt should give lot of support on them .

16. 自我陶醉 2014-05-20 14:01:08

无谓为咗拗而拗, 咁样冇咩意思, 只会变成人身攻击。 我唔明点解你觉得industry 就一定系你脑里面嘅 labor intensive factories?  IT itself is an industry. 世界上仲有好多高新科技嘅 industry。 而我讲嘅, 系stable price tag, 唔系你所讲嘅升三成跌三成, 呢啲都系唔健康。 将眼介放开啲, 你睇嘢嘅 perspective 都会好唔同。

17. 小阳 2014-05-20 14:11:38

Hi Self drunken bro ,

You said it before :

The problem we currently have for our industries is the ever-rising investment costs on both land and labor.

Now , i am telling you that Land is not a problem , coz business environment is changing due to advanced technology  and those SME need STABLE property price to  get loans  for business operation.

18. 自我陶醉 2014-05-20 14:20:57
小阳, so we're on the same page then.
19. middle middle class 2014-05-20 15:51:07

I have been working in the manufacturing sector for more than 20 years, mainly in China but also some chances in Thailand as well as Vietnam.  I have compared the management and team spirit among factories owned by mainland Chinese, Taiwan Chinese and Hong Kong Chinese.  For those factories managed and owned by HK Chinese are less disciplined but rather friendly.  The overall relation between the employer and employees are much smooth than that under Taiwan Chinese management.


20. 自我陶醉 2014-05-20 16:57:52
To : middle middle class

I totally agree to what you have observed. From what I've seen:

Local Hk Chinese ~ runs more like friends. 
Mainland Chinese ~ runs more like parents and kids.
Taiwan ~ runs like military. Look at how horrible Foxconn was.
Local Thai ~ more like family (brothers and sisters). I saw them even wear slippers in the office too.
Vietnam ~ not too sure. Like Mainland Chinese maybe. 

21. 小阳 2014-05-20 17:52:41
22. 自我陶醉 2014-05-20 18:16:38
21/F 小阳, 谢谢分享!  如果成功, 这无论对打算出售或购入商业物业的企业都会是好消息。无须影响商业活动的正常发展。
23. 小阳 2014-05-20 19:27:08
I am doing my best to help the hk economy now . Rush to sogo now !!!!
24. 笑爆咀 2014-05-20 21:09:01
